Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm wearing an APRON!

So what??? It's just an apron. Big woop. Today I made 50 cookies. My kitchen smells deeelliiicccccciioouuuss. =) My cookies are shaped like flowers and I put sticks behind them so they can be eaten like a lollipop. Yeah!!! I'm 5yrs old! And they are really big.... um... a tad hard but that's why we have teeth. I'm just about to decorate them. hhmm... I have a lot of work to do. I've got 5 essays waiting for me on this computer. Isn't it funny how we get so busy. mmmm... chocolate sprinkkklllles. ESSAYS. Life is tough. Either I spend time worrying about baking or worrying about essays. How did I allow myself to believe in our society? All my social, cultural, and economic external influences are taking over my life! I'm baking for a bridal shower, I'm writing a speech in Italian, and I'm writing these essays. This is my April. What's the saying? April showers, bring May flowers?? nah. April projects, bring May projects. Sweet. mmmm chocolate sprinkkklllles. Yes. My cookies are going to be delicious. And my speech will sound like an Italian opera... and my essays will get me into my MBA program. I wonder if this apron truly will do its job and protect me from disaster.

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